How to Cancel UnitedHealthcare Plans

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how to cancel united healthcare
Follow this guide to manually cancel your UnitedHealthcare subscription. Want to gain more clarity with your subscriptions? Cushion helps you identify hidden subscriptions you might not even know you have. Our comprehensive platform lets you track, manage, and pay subscriptions while building your credit history. Scan hidden subscriptions →
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Are you thinking about canceling your UnitedHealthcare plan? In 2023, UnitedHeaIthcare faced a class action lawsuit for its controversial practices. It seems UnitedHealthcare has been using an AI system to deny coverage to elderly patients, similar to what Lemonade Insurance faced back in 2021. Customers of Lemonade were upset when they suspected that AI was rejecting claims based on video analysis, which led to a lot of mistrust.

Now, UnitedHealthcare’s “nH Predict” technology is under fire for allegedly ignoring doctors’ recommendations and denying necessary care, leaving families with huge bills. Many customers have shared their frustration with UnitedHealthcare, which frequently denies their medical claims. This has caused significant distress, as people feel that essential treatments and procedures they rely on aren’t covered as expected.

With these issues coming to light, it might be wise to rethink your health insurance and consider canceling your UnitedHealthcare plan, just as many did with Lemonade Insurance. We can guide you through the process of how to cancel United Healthcare.

how to cancel united healthcare insurance

How to Cancel UnitedHealthcare Insurance

You can cancel UnitedHealthcare insurance via mail, call or fax. Here are step-by step guide below on how to send it via mail or fax:

  1. Go to UnitedHealthcare Disenrollment Form
  2. Print Page 4-6
  3. Fill it up with your information
  4. Sign it
  5. Mail or fax it to:

P.O. Box 30769
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0769
Fax – 1-888-950-1169

Alternatively, you can call their medicare team at 1-800-633-4227 available 24/7. If you want to contact your Unitedhealthcare branch, you can call the number on your member ID card.

united healthcare insurance card

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How to Cancel Marketplace Insurance

There are three options for canceling marketplace insurance below:

Cancel Everyone on the plan

Here are the steps below if you want to cancel Everyone on the plan (whether it’s just one person or multiple household members):

  1. Log in to
  2. Click Start a new application or update an existing one
  3. Click on your name at the top right
  4. Click My applications & coverage
  5. Click your application under Your existing applications
  6. Click My Plans & Programs at the left side
  7. Click End (Terminate) All Coverage at the bottom
  8. Choose the date you want to end your coverage
  9. Check the attestation box
  10. Click Terminate Coverage
  11. A red “Terminated” or “Canceled” status should be displayed above the plan you have ended.

Cancel Some People on the Plan

Here are the steps if you want to cancel “Just some people on the plan” (choose this option if some members, including the household contact, will remain on the plan):

  1. Log in to
  2. Click Start a new application or update an existing one
  3. Click on your name at the top right
  4. Click My applications & coverage
  5. Click your application under Your existing applications
  6. Click Report a life change on the menu to the left
  7. Click Report a Life Change near the bottom
  8. Click Report a change in my household’s income, size, or other information
  9. Check the attestation box
  10. Click Save & Continue
  11. Continue through the application
  12. Indicate the household members who want to keep Marketplace coverage under “Who Needs Coverage” question
  13. Click Save & Continue
  14. Click Remove for people you want to remove from the Marketplace plan
  15. Confirm the removals
  16. Answer any following questions
  17. Click Save
  18. Continue through the application, updating all information as necessary.

Cancel the Household Contact only

You must contact the Marketplace Call Center at 1-833-602-0343 if you wanted to cancel the household contact only (usually the person who set up the Marketplace account; if there are multiple people on the plan but only the household contact is ending coverage)

Note: Avoid changing or removing the household contact online unless you are ending coverage for everyone on the plan. It’s crucial to do this over the phone to ensure that dependents remain covered.

Medicare Part C and Part D Disenrollment

You can cancel Part C or Part D via mail, call or fax. Here are the steps to follow:

1. Identify which plan you wanted to cancel and print out the correct PDF file below:

2. Fill it up with your information and sign it.

3. Mail or Fax the form to:

P.O. Box 30769
Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0769
Fax – 1-888-950-1169

Alternatively, you can call their medicare team at 1-800-633-4227 available 24/7. If you want to contact your Unitedhealthcare branch, you can call the number on your member ID card.

What is the Difference Between Cancellation and Disenrollment?

When it comes to managing your UnitedHealthcare plan, you might come across the terms “cancellation” and “disenrollment.” While they might sound similar, they have distinct meanings and processes.

Cancellation is the process of ending your health insurance plan. This can be done for various reasons, such as finding a new insurance provider or no longer needing the coverage. For example, if you have a Marketplace plan and want to cancel it, you can do so online or by phone, and the termination can be effective immediately or at a date you choose.

Disenrollment is especially relevant for Medicare Advantage or Medicare Part D plans, can be voluntary or involuntary. Voluntary disenrollment happens when you choose to leave the plan during specific periods, like the Annual Enrollment Period. Involuntary disenrollment might occur if you move out of the plan’s service area, lose Medicare eligibility, or fail to pay premiums. This process involves more formal steps and might include notices and appeals if the disenrollment isn’t initiated by you.

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If you’re reconsidering your UnitedHealthcare plan due to the AI-related coverage denial issues, here’s how to cancel:

You can cancel via mail or fax by printing and completing the disenrollment form. Then, mail it to UnitedHealthcare, P.O. Box 30769, Salt Lake City, UT 84130-0769, or fax it to 1-888-950-1169. Alternatively, you can call 1-800-633-4227 or the number on your member ID card for assistance.

For canceling Marketplace insurance, log in at, update your application, and select “End (Terminate) All Coverage” to cancel everyone. To cancel specific members, update your application and remove the necessary individuals. If you need to cancel only the household contact, call the Marketplace Call Center at 1-833-602-0343.

For Medicare Part C and Part D, submit the appropriate disenrollment form by mail or fax to the same address or fax number, or call 1-800-633-4227 or the number on your member ID card.

Last Updated on June 06, 2024
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