How to Cancel Viasat Internet Service

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how to cancel viasat internet
Follow this guide to manually cancel your Viasat Internet Subscription. Want to gain more clarity with your subscriptions? Cushion helps you identify hidden subscriptions you might not even know you have. Our comprehensive platform lets you track, manage, and pay subscriptions while building your credit history. Scan hidden subscriptions →
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Many Viasat customers find themselves frustrated and dissatisfied with their internet service. Frequent interruptions and poor reliability make everyday tasks like streaming and gaming a struggle. Additionally, dealing with Viasat’s customer service can be exhausting, with numerous complaints about unhelpful representatives and unexpected charges for service visits, even when issues stem from faulty equipment or poor installation.

Data caps and subsequent throttling further aggravate users, preventing them from fully utilizing the service they are paying for. These ongoing negative experiences prompt many to seek out better options and seriously consider canceling their Viasat service.

how to cancel my viasat internet service

How to Cancel My Viasat Internet Service

The best way to cancel your Viasat Internet service is by calling. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Call their hotline number (855)463-9333
  2. State Cancel Service or Disconnect Service
  3. Prepare your information, such as account number, birthdate, and last payment amount
  4. Explain the reason for cancelation
  5. Ask for any early termination fees or balance you need to settle
  6. Ask for instructions on how to efficiently return leased equipment
  7. Ask for a cancelation confirmation number before ending the call
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Does Viasat Have a Cancellation Fee?

Yes, if you decide to cancel your Viasat service before your contract ends, you will face an early cancellation fee. Here’s what you need to know:

  • The fee is $15 for each month left on your contract.
  • For instance, if you cancel after 18 months into a 24-month contract, you would owe $90 (6 months x $15).
  • The closer you are to the end of your contract, the smaller the fee.

To avoid these fees, you have a couple of options:

  • Viasat offers a no long-term contract option when you sign up. This means you pay a higher upfront fee but can cancel anytime after the first month without penalties.
  • In some cases, such as experiencing poor service quality, Viasat may waive the cancellation fee, but this isn’t guaranteed.

Understanding these rules beforehand helps you prepare for any final charges on your Viasat bill when you cancel your service.

How Do I Return My Viasat Equipment?

You have 30 days to return your equipment via UPS. Here are the things to know and steps to follow:

Equipment to Return

  • Required Returns: The Viasat modem, power cord, and the TRIA (Transmit and Receive Integrated Assembly) of the dish assembly.
  • Not Required: Do not return the satellite dish or mounting brackets.

Returning Process

  • UPS Return Service: Returning equipment through UPS is free. Ensure you do not ship equipment without a Viasat-provided Equipment Recovery Kit, which includes a box and shipping label.
  • Packing Instructions: Use the box and packing materials provided in the Equipment Return Kit. Wrap the modem in bubble wrap, place it along with the power supply and cord in the box, affix the return label over the original shipping label, and tape the box shut.

Charges if Not Returned Within 30 Days

  • $150 for an unreturned TRIA
  • $150 for an unreturned modem
  • $50 for an unreturned modem (WiFi Gateway)
  • $250 for an unreturned ViaSat-2 TRIA

how to return viasat equipment

How to Move My Viasat Internet Service

If you’re planning to move and want to bring your Viasat Internet service with you, there are a few essential steps to ensure a smooth transition. Here’s how to move your Viasat Internet service:

Planning Your Move

  • Contact Viasat: About a week before your move, call Viasat Customer Care at 855-463-9333 or reach out to your Viasat dealer. They will check if service is available at your new location and help you set up a new contract.
  • Choose Your Plan: Depending on your new address, you might need to switch to a different plan. Viasat will assist you in choosing the best plan for your needs.

New Contract Requirements

  • 24-Month Contract: When moving, you’ll need to sign a new 24-month contract or pay a $300 upfront fee, even if you originally signed up without a long-term contract.
  • Settle Any Balances: Ensure any outstanding balance on your current account is fully paid before moving.

Returning Your Equipment

  • Prepare for Return: You must return your current equipment to Viasat. This includes the satellite TRIA (from the dish), the modem, and the AC power cord.
  • Use the Provided Box: Viasat will send you a UPS box with a return label. Use this box for returning the equipment, as the label includes specific tracking information.

Installation at Your New Address

  • Installer Setup: A Viasat technician will come to your new home to install a new satellite dish and modem, ensuring everything is set up correctly.
  • Follow Instructions: Refer to the provided instructions to correctly pack and return your old equipment based on the type of modem you have.

Billing at the New Address

  • New Account Number: Your new address will have a new Viasat account number.
  • First Bill: Expect your first bill to arrive within 3-4 days of installation. This bill may be larger than usual as it includes the first month’s service, any initial days before the billing date, and any setup fees.
  • Monthly Charges: Your monthly bill might change based on the new plan and services available at your new location. Viasat processes payments electronically, and you can review your bills online at My Viasat.

Notifications and Reminders

  • Email Reminders: Viasat will send you a reminder email seven days before your payment is due. Another email will follow on the payment date with details of your charges.

Viasat User Experiences and Discussions

viasat user experiences and discussions

Here is a list of what most customers experience:

  • Ease in Canceling: Canceling Viasat service is generally straightforward. Users call customer service, answer a few questions about their reasons for canceling and their new service provider, and then Viasat sends them a box to return the equipment.
  • Returning Equipment: Users need to return specific items, such as the modem and TRIA, from the dish. Some choose to remove the TRIA themselves to avoid a $95 technician fee. It’s important to use the UPS box and label provided by Viasat to ensure proper tracking and avoid disputes over missing parts.
  • Cancellation Fees: Cancellation fees are a common complaint, especially for those who cancel near their contract end date. Viasat does not prorate or refund any remaining days in the month, even if the full month has been paid for. Additionally, there is a $15 charge for each remaining month of the contract.
  • Customer Service Problems: While representatives are usually polite, some users find them unhelpful beyond basic troubleshooting. This can lead to frustration due to long hold times before reaching supervisors who can escalate the issue.
  • Overall Unhappiness: Many users express relief after switching to providers like Starlink, which offers better service quality with fewer data caps and throttling issues, as well as more reliable customer support.
  • Other Users’ Advice: Tips include taking pictures of all returned equipment inside the provided box for proof and copying down the tracking number from the shipping label in case it’s needed later as confirmation of return.

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Canceling Viasat is straightforward and shouldn’t stress you out. Contact them at (855) 463-9333 and request to cancel. Provide your account details, explain your reason, inquire about fees, and get instructions for returning leased equipment. Make sure to ask for a cancellation confirmation number.

Be aware of the $15 early cancellation fee for each remaining month on your contract, which can be avoided with Viasat’s no long-term contract option. Return the modem, power cord, and TRIA via UPS within 30 days using the provided Equipment Recovery Kit to avoid charges.

Last Updated on August 08, 2024
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