7 Tips to Keep Track of Bills and Payments

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how to keep track of bills and payments
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Recent statistics reveal that 34% of Americans face challenges in managing their finances.

Keeping track of bills and payments often induces stress and feelings of overwhelm.

However, implementing practical tips and strategies can make this process more manageable.

This article offers valuable insights to empower you to control your financial situation.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Managing bills and payments is vital for financial well-being and reducing stress.
  2. Strategies like listing bills, integrating them into calendars, and setting reminders help in effective bill tracking.
  3. Prioritizing emergency savings is crucial for financial stability and mental peace, necessitating a significant portion of monthly budgets.

1. Create a Comprehensive List of Bills

Making a list of bills to pay is one of the best tips to keep track of bills and payments.

To make an effective list, start by gathering details about your bills, including the:

  • Biller’s name
  • Amount due
  • Due date
  • Frequency of bill

Once you have this information, create a spreadsheet or a table to list all the bills you must pay.

Make sure to be thorough and account for all your expenses when creating your list of bills. Some of the common bills you might be paying for include:

  • Rent
  • Mortgage
  • Utilities
  • Insurance
  • Credit cards
  • Subscriptions
  • Personal loans

Note which ones do you pay every month, every quarter, every six months, and every year. Then, organize them by the due date so you can easily see which bills you need to pay first.

bills and payments list

If you know exactly how much bills you need to pay monthly, then you can easily set a budget for them based on your income and expenses.

It also lets you identify areas where you can reduce expenses and save money.

For example, if you find that your utility bill is higher than usual, you can think of ways to lower your energy usage to lessen your bill.

Pro Tip: Prioritize building up your emergency savings, as this can significantly impact your financial stability and mental well-being. A recent Bankrate survey reported that 56% of the respondents do not have enough emergency savings, and this negatively affected their mental health. So, don’t forget to allocate a substantial portion of your monthly budget to your emergency fund for better preparedness.

2. Integrate Bills Into Your Calendar

Once you have your list of bills, add them to your calendar. This helps you get them all organized and stay on top of all the payment deadlines.

An additional thing you can do is to create a separate calendar for your bills and expenses, so you can keep track of them and avoid cluttering your personal calendar. You can create your bill calendar either with a digital calendar like Google Calendar, a physical whiteboard calendar, or a journal/planner.

Once your bill calendar is all set, start adding your bills. Make sure to include the following:

  • Biller’s name
  • Amount due
  • Due date

By having a clear picture of when your bills are due, you can effectively plan your spending and have the peace of mind that you will have enough money to cover your expenses.

Pro Tip: Use different colors to distinguish between bills. For example, you can use red for bills due soon and green for the ones already paid. This will make it easier to see which bills need your immediate attention and which have been taken care of.

3. Set Payment Reminders

Apart from putting them on your calendar, you can also set reminders. This way, you can get alerted about the upcoming bill a few days before it is due. It will also give you enough time to prepare and pay on time.

There are several ways to set notifications and keep track of bills and payments, including apps, calendars, and physical tools like sticky notes and alarms.

  • Reminders on a calendar app: Set bill reminders with your smartphone’s or computer’s calendar app. You can create an event for each bill and set a reminder on or before the due date to ensure you make timely payments.
  • Bill payment app: These apps send notifications when a bill is due or overdue. They can also be customized to send prompts via email, text message, or push notification. If you’re looking for a reliable and worry-free bill payment app, try Cushion.ai. Cushion.ai sends automatic bill updates to your calendar so you never miss a payment.
  • Sticky notes: Keep track of bills and payments for free with sticky notes if you still want a visual reminder. Simply write the biller’s name, amount due, and due date. Then, stick it on your fridge or computer monitor.
  • Alarm: Set alarms on your phone or clock for bill payments, especially for bills due on different days. This proactive approach ensures timely payments, helping you avoid late fees and penalties.
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4. Enroll in Autopay Services

Putting bills on autopay can help simplify your financial life and monitor your bills and payments.

It’s a convenient and secure way to pay your bills, as the automated system will deduct the amount due from your account on the date you set every month.

With autopay, you don’t anymore have to worry about deadlines, late payment fees, or the negative effect on your credit score because of missed payments.

To set up autopay, you will typically need to give your payment account details to the service provider, whether online, over the phone, or through an app.

Once you’re enrolled, you’ll be able to monitor your payments and adjust the settings as necessary.

Some providers may allow you to choose the payment amount, frequency, and the account from which the payment is deducted.

Try it out, but if you prefer to make payments manually, you can cancel autopay anytime.

Important Note: While autopay can be a convenient way to manage your bills, it’s still important that you regularly review your statements to ensure accuracy and avoid unexpected charges.

bills payments tracker sheet

5. Use Expense Tracker Sheets

Expense tracker sheets offer a simple and organized way to record your expenses, monitor your spending, and stay on top of your bills.

You can create them in various formats, like printable templates and digital spreadsheets.

These sheets typically require you to input the expense details, such as:

  • Expense name
  • Amount spent
  • Date of transaction 
  • Expense category

You can customize the expense categories to align according to your needs and lifestyle, but it may include groceries, transportation, entertainment, and more.

With this tracker, you can easily see how much you spend on each category and pinpoint areas where you can cut back on your expenses.

Beyond expense tracking, incorporating bills into these sheets helps you easily identify your bills’ due dates and prevent missed payments.

Additionally, these sheets prove valuable for setting budgets and optimizing cash flow management.

By having a clear picture of your spending habits and financial allocations, you can make smarter decisions that can contribute positively to your overall financial well-being.

6. Explore Budgeting or Money Management Apps

However, if you’re allergic to Excel sheets and the previous tip doesn’t work for you, another alternative is to use budgeting or money management apps for bill and payment tracking.

These apps help you manage your finances effectively by giving you an overview of your financial goals and spending habits. They offer several features, including:

  • Tracking expenses in real-time: See how much you are spending on various categories, such as food, entertainment, and transportation, etc.
  • Setting budgets for each category: You can allocate your budget for a specific category and stay within your financial limit.
  • Sending alerts on due dates: When a due date is coming, these apps can send you alerts to avoid late payments and associated fees.

One of the best apps to keep track of bills and payments is Cushion.ai. This app consolidates and organizes your bills, tracks what’s been paid and what’s due next, and provides you with effortless credit-building opportunities. With Cushion, you can sync your bills to your Google Calendar with one click.

cushion ai calendar sync feature

7. Schedule When to Keep Track of Bills and Payments

Scheduling specific times to track your bills and payments is crucial to ensure you stay on top of your finances. Here are a few ideal times when you can check your bills and expenses to ensure everything is in order:

  • When the expenses happen: Review your bank or credit card statement immediately after purchasing to make sure they’re accurate and to detect any fraudulent charges. Addressing discrepancies promptly helps prevent you from overspending.
  • At the end of each day: Allocate time each day to verify transactions, update your budget, and make necessary adjustments, especially if you make multiple purchases daily. This practice helps you catch errors early on and avoids last-minute financial stress.
  • Once per week: Schedule a weekly session to review your expenses, plan your budget for the upcoming week, and alleviate daily money worries. This proactive approach ensures you make timely bill payments and clarifies how much available funds you have left for the week ahead.

Pro Tip: Make bill tracking a team effort by inviting your spouse, partner, or roommate to join in. Working together can help you stay accountable and ensure that bills are paid on time. Additionally, it can strengthen your relationship by fostering open communication about finances. You can even turn it into a fun activity by creating a colorful chart or spreadsheet.


Keeping track of bills and payments is an essential part of managing your money.

By making a list, adding them to your calendar, and setting reminders, you can avoid missing a payment and know where all your money, up to the penny, is going.

Tracking your expenses helps also identify areas where you can cut back and save more money.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do I keep track of money easily?

Track your money easily using the envelope system, where you assign different categories of expenses to separate envelopes and allocate a fixed amount of cash for each category. Another option is using digital spreadsheets like Excel, Google Sheets, or other budgeting apps to track your money. These tools let you create a budget, monitor your expenses, and analyze your spending habits. Some apps even allow automatic transaction categorization, goal-setting, and alerts to help you stay on top of your finances.

What is the best app to keep track of bills?

Cushion is one of the most efficient apps to monitor your bills and payments. It consolidates and organizes your bills, keeps track of what’s been paid and what’s due next, syncs your updates to your calendar in real-time, and provides you with opportunities to build your credit.

How do I organize my bills on my calendar?

Organize your bills on your calendar by creating reminders for each on the due date. Use a calendar app like Apple or Google Calendar to schedule these reminders. You can also color-code your bills to make them easily identifiable and distinguishable from other events on your calendar. Additionally, you can set up recurring reminders for bills on the same day each month, such as rent or mortgage payments.

Last Updated on October 10, 2024
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this website is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as financial advice. Consult with a financial professional for personalized guidance regarding your specific situation.

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