50 Best Money Affirmations for Wealth Manifestation

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money manifestation affirmations
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Are you struggling with paying rent on time? Do you receive notifications of disconnection monthly? Are you being harassed by debt collection agencies?

You’re not alone.

According to a 2024 survey by CNN, 39% of consumers worry they don’t make enough money to pay their monthly bills.

Yet, you regularly punch in the clock and put in 7.9 hours of work daily. 36% have a side hustle to help make ends meet.

Still, it’s not enough.

You’re miserable, depressed, stressed out, anxious, and desperate. You’ve become a vessel of toxicity, an antenna that sends out negative frequency. 📻

Worrying about your bills, wondering where to get more money, and loathing your current lifestyle won’t get you anywhere.

What you need is a mindset change… an attitude adjustment… or a shift in state of being.

What you need are money affirmations.

what is money affirmation

What is a Money Affirmation?

A money affirmation is a statement that’s repeated regularly and causes a shift in thought patterns from negative to positive or from failure to success. 💰

It triggers a change in perspective:

No Money Affirmation = Negative Mindset Money Affirmation = Positive Mindset
“I’m poor.” “I’m a Rich Man-in-Waiting.”
“I’m a loser.” “I’m training for wealth by learning from failure.”
“I hate my job.” “I’m thankful I have a job that allows me to pay my bills.”
“I hate my life.” “Today’s struggles will help me appreciate a life of wealth.”
“Another month, another eviction notice.” “One year from now, I’ll be looking at these moments with fondness… from my own house.”

Money affirmations aren’t magic words, but they might as well be.

You won’t turn from Billy Batson to Shazam ⚡, but after “chanting” the money affirmation, you will feel like you have the power to will or manifest wealth to happen.

You repeat them so many times that they become inevitable. 

Money affirmations become the engine that drives you toward achieving financial success.

They’re powerful enough to smash any obstacle, raise the highest glass ceiling, overcome the most intimidating challenges, and change other people’s lives for the better.

💡Pro Tip: A money affirmation must be realistic, doable, and reasonable.

Don’t write one that’s outside the realm of possibility, such as “I’ll have $200 billion in my bank account tomorrow.”

You might end up doing something illegal.

Even El Chapo made only $420 million weekly!

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How do Money Affirmations Work?

You can recite them in your head.

You can look in the mirror and verbalize them.

You can recite them to yourself.

What matters is that you 100% believe in your money affirmations. Your belief in these money affirmations must be non-negotiable.

Remember, to manifest means to reveal something clearly through actions. With money affirmations, you want to manifest wealth or make riches happen.

If you revert to your negative self, have doubts, and feel like affirmations are a waste of time, you won’t get the life you believe you deserve. 

When do you recite the money affirmations?

  • First thing in the morning.
  • Whenever you’re in doubt.
  • Whenever you’re confronted with challenges.
  • Whenever you’re at the cusp of a life-changing event.
  • Before you sleep.

Again, they’re not magic. Money affirmations are a way of rewiring your mindset from negative to positive.

When you have a positive mindset, you embrace challenges because you have the confidence to overcome them.

50 Best Money Affirmations for Wealth Manifestation

We want to be wealthy, but our circumstances are different.

Some are entrepreneurs. Others are 9-to-5 employees.

Some run enterprises that have been in business for more than 10 years. Others are running startups or newly-launched ventures.

Some have families, while others are still single.

We have personalities, behavioral traits, and habits that are unique to us.

We’re different, but we all want to manifest wealth into reality.

We created this list of the best 50 money affirmations for wealth manifestation to fit every circumstance and need:

  • Acquiring material wealth
  • Overcoming fear, self-doubt, and lack of confidence
  • Overcoming failures and challenges
  • Having a successful career
  • Finding happiness

It doesn’t matter if you have only one or all five needs. These 50 money affirmations are here whenever you need them.

Acquiring Material Wealth

acquiring material wealth

Do you dream of owning a house or a car?

Do you want to buy your first luxury watch?

There’s nothing wrong with wanting material wealth. In the 50-30-20 Budget Rule, material wealth falls under the 30% or “Wants.”

As long as you consistently put in the work, you deserve to reward yourself occasionally. Buying “stuff” might be heavy on the pockets, but it’s good for the mind and the soul.

Here are 10 affirmations to give you that “extra gear” during hard times so you can get closer to achieving your wants.

  1. I deserve everything I desire and work for.
  2. Wealth chooses me.
  3. There’s a house with my name on it.
  4. Everything I touch turns to gold.
  5. Today, I’ll be one day closer to driving that car home.
  6. I have the power to attract money to my life.
  7. I’m one day closer to changing my life.
  8. I can be richer than the richest man in the world.
  9. Success isn’t if but when.
  10.  Soon I can buy whatever I want.

Overcoming Fear, Self-Doubt, and Lack of Confidence

One day you feel like you’re king of the hill. The next day you’re a Metallica song, “King Nothing.”

To become better, you have to get out of your comfort zone. You can’t grow your business unless you expand its capacity. You won’t get far in your career unless you learn new skills.

When you’re in unfamiliar territory, things can get scary. You get filled with fear and doubt.

  • “Can I do it?”
  • “Am I ready for this?”
  • “What did I get myself into?”

You’ll need these 10 affirmations below to boost your confidence.

  1. I’ll be richly rewarded because no one can outwork me.
  2. I’m investing in my success and the payout will be worth it.
  3. My bank account is about to go plus-size.
  4. Financial success is just a formality.
  5. I define my worth and the wealth coming my way.
  6. I release all obstacles and allow money to flow freely.
  7. I’m worthy of adding another zero to my hourly rate.
  8. I deserve more wealth because I’m the best at what I do.
  9. I release my fears around money.
  10. My actions create prosperity.

Overcoming Failures and Challenges

“Nana korobi ya oki.”

That’s a popular Japanese proverb that means:

“Fall down seven times get up eight.”

Becoming wealthy isn’t easy. You’ll experience failures and encounter challenges along the way. Dealing with failure can be scary, but you can overcome it with a positive mindset!

You don’t have to be Tony “Scarface” Montana and mow down your challenges with your “little friend.”

All you need are these 10 affirmations.

  1. I welcome challenges because they make me better.
  2. I can conquer the money obstacles that come my way.
  3. I’m worthy of a financially secure life.
  4. Money comes in expectedly and unexpectedly because I put in the work.
  5. My desire to be wealthy is stronger than any challenge.
  6. Eyes on the prize and I’m getting closer to it.
  7. There are no setbacks, just a slight detour on the road to wealth and success.
  8. I love taking on challenges because they make me treasure my wealth more.
  9. The fear of failure is worth the price of success.
  10. Overcoming challenges is part of the game to become wealthier.

Having a Successful Career

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or an employee, you must outperform the competition to have a successful career.

You are constantly navigating through politics, social pressures, and systemic barriers that create unfair and uneven playing fields.

These factors are beyond your control. It will be hard to succeed if you let these pressures get to you.

Drown out the noise by repeatedly reciting the 10 affirmations below.

  1. It’s natural for me to become financially wealthy and prosperous.
  2. I’m always discovering new streams of income.
  3. I deserve the money that I earn.
  4. My prosperity is without limits.
  5. I have a great relationship with money.
  6. I control money, it doesn’t control me.
  7. I’m happy to spend my money because I earned it.
  8. Every day is another day to earn more money and become wealthier.
  9. Large sums of money naturally find their way into my life.
  10. I’m 100% in charge of my financial potential.

Finding Happiness

“Money is the root of all evil.”

“Money can’t buy you happiness.”

These are fake news propagated by those who couldn’t handle financial success.

They probably didn’t have money affirmations to let them know it’s okay to be wealthy. They shouldn’t feel guilty for indulging in a bit of material wealth.

Engaging in money affirmations isn’t an act of arrogance. It’s an exercise to help build confidence and to keep you grounded by reminding you what it took to get to where you are.

Don’t let others create the narrative of your success.

Claim the narrative by believing in these 10 money affirmations.

  1. I want more money – and that’s okay.
  2. More money allows me to have more happiness.
  3. Money is power and I use its power to improve the lives of others.
  4. I’m grateful for the opportunities and challenges to make more money.
  5. I have no guilt for the wealth I have because I worked hard for it.
  6. Money gives me freedom.
  7. I’m capable of handling massive financial success.
  8. I’m a successful breadwinner.
  9. I work to live not live to work.
  10. Money allows me to give my family the life they deserve.

What is the Law of Attraction?

what is law of attraction

The Law of Attraction is a belief that a positive mindset produces positive outcomes, and a negative mindset results in the opposite. It’s rooted in the philosophy that “like attracts like” but its foundational belief originates from Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.


According to Einstein, matter and energy are inseparable. Everything that happens or manifests in this world is because of resonant energies that are attracted to one another.

In the Law of Attraction, energy precedes manifestation.

If you radiate negative energy, you attract negative outcomes. If you radiate positive energy, you attract positive outcomes.

The Law of Attraction gained popularity in the early 2000s because of the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne.

What is the Relationship Between the Law of Attraction and Money Affirmations?

The Law of Attraction is often used to explain money affirmations because you’re shifting your perspective from negative to positive during financially difficult times to manifest wealth.  💸

Instead of dwelling on your unfortunate situation, you’re putting a positive spin on it. You don’t view yourself as a victim but as a recipient of an opportunity for self-improvement.

For example, you get a call from a debt collector about an unpaid bill. People with a negative mindset view themselves as victims of harassment or unjust treatment.

In contrast, those who approach debt collection positively view the situation as an opportunity to fix a derogatory mark on their credit report.

By removing the derogatory mark from their credit report, they have increased the probability of getting approved for a loan or credit card.

Thus, the call from the debt collector turned out to be a blessing, not a curse.

Is the Law of Attraction Magic?


Let talk show mogul Oprah Winfrey explain.

In 2009, Oprah appeared on “The Larry King Show”  to share her experiences with “The Secret.”

Oprah disagreed with how Byrne promoted “The Secret” as the answer to all of life’s problems.

“The Law of Attraction is just one law, but it’s true that the way you think creates your reality. However, there are other factors to consider when you’re trying to improve your situation in life.

For Oprah, the lesson she learned from the book is that you’re responsible for your life. You’re accountable for your successes or failures.

Here’s another example of how the Law of Attraction and money affirmations can be applied to your life.

You just lost your job, and you’re miserable.

You go on Facebook and rant about how much you hate your boss, how despicable your former employer was, and how you hated working there.

What you aren’t aware of is that 90% of HR departments review an applicant’s social media profile before hiring them.

If you applied for a job and the HR Manager checked your profile, what kind of impression would you leave?

Instead of ranting, flip the script.

Tell yourself that your previous employer allowed you to acquire the skills and experiences to help you find a new, higher-paying job with better career prospects.

Share that money affirmation on Facebook.

You just might receive a call for a job interview, like when Steven Spielberg asked Oprah to audition for “The Color Purple.”

That’s the power of money affirmations at work!


Money affirmations won’t magically transform your life from pauper to King in 24 hours.

As part of a daily ritual, and with 100% belief and conviction, money affirmations can transform your mindset from one that’s negative and toxic to one that’s positive, productive, and powerful enough to overcome difficult challenges.

If you believe you deserve to be wealthy, then damn the storms! ⛈️

Manifest wealth and let money flow into your life.

While you’re practicing your money affirmations, start streamlining your monthly budget by removing unnecessary expenses. If you signed up for services you no longer need, Cushion can help you cancel them with one click.

Last Updated on October 10, 2024
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