Paying your insurance premium might feel like a waste of money when you’re young and healthy. However, you don’t know what tomorrow will bring.
- What if you get sick?
- What if get into an accident?
- What if you get fired?
- What if you have to relocate to another city?
- What if you find out you’re about to become a parent?
These life events are transformative and cost money. If you’re cash-strapped, you’re in trouble.
Insurance is there to protect you from life’s uncertainties. You’ll have an organization like Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), which has been covering Americans for over 50 years, to bail you out.
It’s hard to appreciate the value of insurance when things are okay. What you feel is the burden of keeping up with insurance payments – and BCBS’s premiums can feel heavy.
Imagine what would happen if you couldn’t update your BCBS payments.
You’ll be involuntarily disenrolled by BCBS. You’ll lose access to the benefits and services you’ve been paying for the last few years.
If you found a more affordable insurance provider, go ahead and cancel your Blue Cross Blue Shield plan.
How to Cancel Your Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans
There are two ways to cancel or voluntarily disenroll from your Blue Cross Blue Shield plan:
- By calling 1-800-MEDICARE or your local BCBS office.
- By submitting a written request to your local BCBS office.
If you aren’t sure of how to contact your local BCBS office, go to the BCBS Log In Page, enter the first three letters of your I.D. in the search field, and click “Go.”
Note: You can voluntarily disenroll from your Blue Cross Blue Shield plan during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) between October 15 and December 7.
If you qualify under the Special Enrollment Period (SEP), you can leave your plan at any time during the year.
More about the SEP later! 😉
How to Cancel Your Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans by Calling
You can cancel your BCBS plan by calling 1-800-MEDICARE or your local BCBS office. If you’re hearing impaired, call BCBS at 1-877-486-2048. Phone lines are open 24/7.
1. Before calling customer support, prepare the following information:
- Full name
- Policy number
- Home address
- Birth date
- Email address
- Mobile phone number
2. Inform the customer service representative that you want to cancel your BCBS plan. They will verify if you qualify for voluntary disenrollment. BCBS won’t ask you to leave the plan because of health reasons.
3. Once you’ve been qualified for voluntary disenrollment, they’ll process your cancelation request.
Note: If BCBS uncovers a complication in your status that puts your request on temporary hold, the local office will walk you through the necessary steps to complete the process.
How to Cancel Your Blue Cross Blue Shield Plans in Writing
Prepare a letter informing your BCBS local office that you want to cancel your plan. The subject line is “Cancelation.”
Include the following information in your letter:
- Full name
- Policy number
- Home address
- Birth date
- Email address
- Mobile phone number
Send the letter to the mailing address of your local BCBS office. If you’re not sure, go to the BCBS Log In Page, enter the first three letters of your I.D. in the search field, and click “Go.”
If you haven’t received feedback from the BCBS after one week, give them a call at 1-800-MEDICARE or call the local office.
Pro Tip: Visit the website of your local BCBS office. The website might have a cancellation form that you can download. Your local BCBS office might allow you to email the cancelation form instead of sending it via snail mail.
What is the Special Enrollment Period?
The Special Enrollment Period (SEP) allows you to enroll in health coverage or change your current plan outside the AEP so you can get an earlier coverage start date.
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services established the SEP to help citizens who have undergone a transformative life event.
Examples of life events that qualify for the SEP include the following:
- Marriage
- Childbirth
- Death in the family
- Relocation to another city
- Relocation to the U.S. from another country
- Loss of health insurance due to divorce
- Loss of health insurance coverage from the employer
To see the complete list of life events that qualify for the SEP, go to
If you believe you’re eligible for the SEP, create a Marketplace Account or contact the Marketplace Center.
Note: The timeframe for applying for the SEP might vary from 45 to 60 days depending on the type of life event.
Can You Be Involuntarily Disenrolled from Your Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan?
Here’s a list of the situations where you can be involuntarily disenrolled from your plan
- The member relocates to an area outside the coverage of the plan.
- The member no longer qualifies for Medicare.
- The member dies.
- The member doesn’t pay premiums and late enrollment charges.
- The member enrolls in a different Medicare Advantage Prescription Drug Plan.
- The member enrolls in a different stand-alone Medicare Prescription Drug Plan.
- The member enrolls in a different Medical Supplement Insurance Plan.
- The Blue Cross Medical Advantage contract has ended.
- The Blue Cross and Blue Shield stopped offering the Blue Cross Medical Advantage in the area.
- The member intentionally misrepresents information about reimbursement for third-party coverage to the Blue Cross Blue Shield.
If you’ve been involuntarily disenrolled, you’ll lose access to the benefits and services of your BCBS plan.
You’ll receive a written notice from your local BCBS office that you’ve been involuntarily disenrolled from your plan. The reason for disenrollment will be stated in the letter.
To file a complaint or an appeal, go to Medicare.
What is the Blue Cross Blue Shield System?
Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) has been providing nationwide healthcare coverage since 1929. across The BCBS system customizes its healthcare coverage based on the specific needs of each community.
The BCBS system is managed by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association (BCBSA) which is composed of 33 independent, community-based, and locally operated BCBS companies.
These companies account for a large percentage of health plans offered under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Presently, the BCBS has contracted more than 1.7 million doctors, and several hospitals to work with BCBS companies to provide healthcare to over 115 members in all 50 U.S. states.
What are the Types of Insurance Offered by Blue Cross Blue Shield?
Blue Cross Blue Shield offers three types of insurance plans:
- Individual insurance plan
- Group insurance plan
- Travel/International insurance
BCBS offers three types of insurance plans under the ACA:
- Health Maintenance Organization (HMO): Healthcare is provided by an in-network doctor or specialist and covers only the cost of medical services.
- Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO): Healthcare coverage is provided by in-network doctors, specialists, and hospitals.
- Preferred Provider Organization (PPO): The member is allowed to get out-of-network healthcare. However, the insurance premium is higher than an HMO or an EPO.
What are the Benefits of a Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan?
The following benefits are available to BCBS members:
1. Assistance from your local BCBS office:
- Change your coverage
- File/review a claim
- Review your balance
- Estimate the cost of medical service
- Replace a lost member I.D.
- View your healthcare plan
2. Discounts on various products and services under the Blue365 Plan. These products and services cover the following areas of specialization:
- Financial health
- Fitness
- Healthy eating
- Lifestyle
- Personal care
- Wellness
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. How do I cancel my Blue Cross Blue Shield in Texas?
To cancel your Blue Cross Blue Shield in Texas, call 1-800 MEDICARE or contact your local BCBS office for assistance.
2. How do I cancel my Blue Cross Blue Shield in Tennessee?
To cancel your BCBS in Tennessee, call 1-800-MEDICARE or contact your local BCBS office for assistance.
3. How do I cancel my Blue Cross Blue Shield in Alabama online?
To cancel your BCBS in Alabama online, download and fill out the cancelation form and send it to your local BCBS office. Call 1-800-MEDICARE for assistance.
4. How do I cancel my Blue Cross Blue Shield in Oklahoma?
To cancel your BCBS in Oklahoma, call 1-800-MEDICARE or contact your local BCBS office for assistance.
The fastest way to cancel your BCBS plan is to call 1-800-MEDICARE or your local BCBS office.
Likewise, you’ll have to mail a written request for cancelation to the local BCBS office. If you don’t know the address, visit the BCBS Log In Page, enter the first three letters of your I.D. in the search field, and click “Go.”
You can voluntarily disenroll from your Blue Cross Blue Shield plan during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP) between October 15 and December 7.
However, if you miss the AEP, go to and find out if you qualify under the Special Enrollment Period (SEP).